The Ultimate Learn to Become a Photographer Bundle
What's Included

Photography Master Class

- Experience level required: Beginner
- Access 315 lectures & 17 hours of content 24/7
- Length of time users can access this course: Lifetime
Course Curriculum
315 Lessons (17h)
- Your First Program
- IntroductionIntroduction to the Photography Masterclass2:50How Does a Camera Work1:17Join the Official Student GroupIMPORTANT: Know Your Lecture Types2:29DOWNLOAD: Course Workbook
- ExposureWhat is Exposure?2:26What is Aperture?7:55Visual Guide: Aperture ChartWhat is Shutter Speed?4:26What is ISO?5:34The Exposure Triangle8:54Visual Guide: Exposure TriangleExposing with Your Camera's Light Meter3:37Advanced: Metering Modes2:49Advanced: Exposure Compensation3:32Camera Exposure Modes: Automatic, Manual + More8:53Advanced: Dynamic Range2:49Advanced: HDR & Bracketing2:15Advanced: Reading Exposure with Histogram2:05Visual Guide: HistogramAdvanced: What is an Exposure Stop?1:08Visual Guide: Stops of LightSupplemental MaterialsIntro to Activities1:24Activity - Exposure0:51
- CompositionWhat is Composition?0:49The Rule of Thirds2:49Visual Guide: The Rule of ThirdsPro Tip: The Golden RatioNegative Space1:49Leading Lines3:14Symmetry and Balance2:24Perspective and Angles6:43Backgrounds2:50Pro Tip: The Golden RatioActivity - Composition0:56Pro Tip: Creating Depth with LayeringPro Tip: Using Shapes in CompositionsAdvanced - Shooting Portraits with Wide vs Telephoto Lenses0:57Supplemental Materials
- Focus and Depth of FieldWhat is Depth of Field?0:29Depth of Field & Aperture2:45Visual Guide: Depth of FieldWays to Get Shallow Depth of Field2:28Manual vs Auto Focus3:27Auto Focus Modes4:54Tips for Shooting Fast Objects3:01Activity - Fast Objects0:34Pro Tip: Focusing in Low LightAdvanced: Understanding Bokeh1:09Pro Tip: Back Button FocusAdvanced: Viewfinder Foucs1:03Supplemental Materials
- Camera Anatomy & SettingsWhat is Camera Anatomy?1:04Main Features of Most Cameras4:47Camera Scene Modes2:31File Types: RAW vs. JPEG8:39Your Camera's Sensor6:14Visual Guide: Camera Sensor SizesPhoto Resolution and Quality3:02Continuous and Burst Modes1:31DSLR vs Mirrorless Cameras3:11Supplemental Materials
- White Balance and ColorIntro to White Balance and Color0:29What is White Balance?3:16The Kelvin Light Temperature Scale3:39Visual Guide: Kelvin Light Temperature ChartAutomatic White Balance Modes2:55Visual Guide: White Balance Symbol ChartAdvanced: Picture Profiles and In-Camera Adjustments2:50Advanced: Light Spectrum & Colors2:00Using Colors Creatively3:21Shooting in Black and White3:48Pro Tip: Black and White TechniquesActivity - Creative Color0:24Advanced: Custom White Balance2:32Supplemental Materials
- Lighting & Flash PhotographyWhat is Lighting?2:09Shooting with Natural Light8:13Using Natural Light from a Window2:51Shooting in Artificial Light6:41Shooting with Your Camera's Flash2:53Shooting with an External Flash10:26Visual Guide: Creative External FlashShooting with a Lighting Kit: 3-Point Lighting3:44Visual Guide: 3-Point Lighting SetupCreative Lighting - Silhouettes & The Back Light4:47Activity - Lighting0:45Pro Tip: Capturing Beautiful Sunset PhotographsPro Tip: Artistic FlaresPro Tip: Getting Rid of Glare in GlassesSupplemental Materials
- Mobile PhotographyWhy Smartphone Photography is Awesome1:51Understanding Your Phone's Camera and Capabilities2:32Exposing with a Smartphone1:28Tips for Shooting with Your Mobile Camera4:15Shooting in Low Light with a Smartphone7:19Mobile Camera Accessories1:59iPhone Tutorial - Portrait Mode2:55Supplemental Materials
- Equipment - CamerasWhat will you learn in this section?1:10Know Your Camera Types2:46What is Your Budget?3:33How and Where to Buy a Camera2:10What is the Best Beginner Camera?5:42Visual Guide: What's in my Camera Bag?How to Build Out Your Camera Kit2:36Photo Chat: Introduction0:57Photo Chat: Buying a New Camera21:26Supplemental Materials
- Equipment - LensesWhat will you learn in this section?1:21What is Focal Length?6:50A Deeper Dive into Aperture5:24Primes vs Zoom Lenses6:23Advanced: Prime vs Zoom - Quality Comparison1:40Advanced: Upgrading Your Lenses - Kit vs Pro1:27Lens Stabilization2:44Lens Filters4:20Filter Demonstration2:51Specialty and Creative Lenses3:58Pro Tip: Chromatic AberrationHow to Clean Your Camera Lens5:40Supplemental Materials
- Equipment - AccessoriesWhat will you learn in this section?0:54Memory Cards3:30Batteries & Chargers2:00Stabilization3:49Flashes and Lighting2:18Camera Bags3:10Sam's Favorite Camera Bags2:43Hard Drives3:09Supplemental Materials
- Portrait PhotographyIntroduction to the Photography Scenario Sections0:34Tips for Shooting Portraits1:38Portrait Demonstration7:36Activity - Portrait0:36Download Our 100+ Posing GuideSupplemental Materials
- Long Exposure PhotographyTips for Shooting Long Exposures1:46Daytime Long Exposure Demonstration19:02Nighttime Long Exposure Demonstration9:16Activity - Long Exposure0:29Supplemental Materials
- Landscape PhotographyTips for Shooting Landscape Photos1:51Landscape Photography Demonstration6:49Activity - Landscape0:14Supplemental Materials
- Product PhotographyTips for Shooting Product Photos2:38Product Photo Demonstration with Natural Light6:40Product Photography with Artificial Lights2:42Adding a Reflection to Increase Quality2:17Create a DIY Product Photo Light Box5:09Activity - Product0:34Editing Product Photos13:33Supplemental Materials
- Low Light PhotographyTips for Shooting in Low Light1:32Low Light Photography Demonstration8:08Activity - Low light0:39Supplemental Materials
- Sports & Action PhotographyTips for Sports and Action Photography1:37Action and Sports Photography Demonstration8:03Activity - Action and Sports0:35Action Photography Demonstration II4:21Supplemental Materials
- Macro PhotographyTips for Macro Photography2:17Macro Photography Demonstration4:30Activity - Macro0:36Supplemental Materials
- Street & Architecture PhotographyTips for Street Photography1:32Architecture and Street Photography Demonstration3:53Activity - Street and Architecture0:34Supplemental Materials
- Event & Wedding PhotographyTips for Shooting Events2:14Photo Chat: Event Photography4:26Bring the Right Tools4:51Be Aware of Your Surroundings4:40Be Quick with Your Settings5:11Capture the Details4:22An Overview of Shooting a Wedding9:48Activity - Event0:38Supplemental Materials
- Aerial & Drone PhotographyIntro to Drone Photography1:14Flight DisclaimerOur Recommended Drone Equipment5:47Drone Photography Tips5:59Drone Photography Demonstration12:02Activity - Aerial Photography0:57Supplemental Materials
- Wildlife PhotographyTips for Wildlife Photography2:16Wildlife Photography Demonstration5:56Photo Chat: Sam's Archipelago Trip5:26Activity - Wildlife0:28Supplemental Materials
- Night PhotographyTips for Night Photography1:17Night Photography Demonstration4:20Activity - Night0:44Supplemental Materials
- Introduction to Editing PhotosWelcome to the Photo Editing Lessons0:25Which Photo Editor Will You Learn + How We Decide What to TeachActivity - Photo Editing1:15
- Photo Editing in Lightroom Classic CCIntro to Lightroom Classic CC4:32Download Your Practice PhotosImporting and Organizing in Lightroom Classic CC11:25Crop and Rotate in Lightroom Classic CC5:10White Balance in Lightroom Classic CC7:53Exposure in Lightroom Classic CC6:17Color and Saturation in Lightroom Classic CC8:37Sharpening and Noise Reduction in Lightroom Classic CC6:39Vignettes, Grain and Dehaze in Lightroom Classic CC5:31Exporting in Lightroom Classic CC9:37Lens Corrections in Lightroom Classic CC4:58Split Tone in Lightroom Classic CC5:12Removing Blemishes with the Heal and Clone Tools in Lightroom Classic CC7:39Graduated, Radial and Brush Adjustments in Lightroom Classic CC9:53Adjustment Brush Presets in Lightroom Classic CC3:02Range Masks in Lightroom Classic CC5:26Full Edit - Portrait in Lightroom Classic CC18:35Full Edit - Black and White Action in Lightroom Classic CC9:32
- Photo Editing in Lightroom CCIntro to Lightroom CC2:55Download Your Practice PhotosImport and Organize in Lightroom CC9:39Crop and Rotate in Lightroom CC3:28White Balance and Saturation in Lightroom CC6:25Light - Exposure and Tone Curve in Lightroom CC8:15Color Mixer in Lightroom CC2:03Effects in Lightroom CC4:38Split Toning in Lightroom CC1:29Details in Lightroom CC4:44Optics in Lightroom CC3:06Geometry in Lightroom CC4:04Exporting and Sharing in Lightroom CC2:17Healing and Clone Brushes in Lightroom CC3:34Brush Adjustments in Lightroom CC3:57Radial and Linear Gradients in Lightroom CC4:47Advanced Options and Presets in Lightroom CC4:24Full Edit - Night Photo in Lightroom CC10:38Full Edit - Portrait in Lightroom CC13:39Editing Photos in Your Web Browser with Lightroom CC3:04
- Photo Editing in Photos for MacIntro to Mac Photos2:15Download Your Practice PhotosImporting and Organizing in Mac Photos6:30Cropping and Rotating in Mac Photos5:03Exposure Adjustments in Mac Photos4:24White Balance in Mac Photos5:40Color, Saturation, HSL in Mac Photos5:51Noise Reduction and Sharpening in Mac Photos6:49Vignettes, Contrast, Black and White in Mac Photos6:15Exporting in Mac Photos5:59Full Edit - Portrait in Mac Photos10:11Full Edit - Landscape in Mac Photos9:28
- Photo Editing in Google PhotosIntro to Google Photos1:47Download Your Practice PhotosImporting and Organizing in Google Photos3:54Editing Photos in Google Photos in Google Photos6:35Downloading and Sharing in Google Photos2:32Full Edit - Macro in Google Photos5:25Full Edit - Landscape in Google Photos6:22
- Photo Editing in Photoshop Express (Free Mobile App)Intro to Photoshop Express1:22Download Your Practice PhotosImporting and Understanding the Workspace in Photoshop Express3:59The Editing Workspace and Applying Filters in Photoshop Express3:08Crop and Rotate in Photoshop Express3:13Editing Photos in Photoshop Express7:15Red Eye Removal, Text and Frames in Photoshop Express4:03Removing Blemishes1:09Saving and Exporting in Photoshop Express2:16Creating Collages in Photoshop Express4:55Full Edit - Landscape in Photoshop Express5:16Full Edit - Product Photo in Photoshop Express4:59
- Photo Editing in Snapseed (Free Mobile App)Intro to Snapseed0:57Download Your Practice PhotosOpening Photos and Navigating the App4:57Making Adjustments and Editing Exposure4:33Cropping1:51White Balance2:27Details and Sharpening1:48Tone Curves3:29Rotate, Perspective and Expand4:07Making Edits to Selected Parts of an Image4:11Removing Blemishes and Healing Brush1:09Snapseed Photo Styles7:16Text and Frames1:55Saving and Exporting3:12Full Portrait Edit6:04
- Sharing Your Photos OnlineWhat will your learn in this Section?1:44Best Social Media Platforms for Photographers6:49How to Win on Instagram6:57Walkthrough of Creating a Free Portfolio with Wix16:47Activity - Portfolio0:40Photo Chat: Having an Online Presence7:05Photo Chat: Getting More Followers5:25Photo Chat: Best Web Platforms for Photographers5:40Supplemental Materials
- Starting a Photography BusinessIntro to Starting a Photography Business1:11How to Start a Photography Business3:50Finding Your First Clients5:10Payments and Accounting1:55How Much Should You Charge?5:24Contracts2:32Income and Expense Tracking2:37Photo Chat: Getting Our First Clients5:34Photo Chat: Gear You Need to Start a Business3:05Photo Chat: How Much You Should Charge8:47Supplemental Materials
- Selling Stock PhotographyWhat is Stock Photography?0:43Best Stock Photography Websites1:59How to Sell Your Own Photos2:42Understanding Licensing4:06Supplemental Materials
- Printing Your PhotosHow to Print Your Photos2:41How Big Can You Print Your Photos2:22Framing Your Photos1:56Supplemental Materials
- ConclusionThank You3:07
- Photo Editing in Photoshop CCDownload Your Practice Photos
Photography Master Class
Phil Ebiner's passion is inspiring people through online courses. Since 2012, over 200,000 students have taken his online courses. He graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Film and Television Production from Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles. Over the past 5 years, he has shot and edited thousands of videos that have played everywhere from the movie screen and television to film festivals and YouTube.
This photography course provides everything you need to learn the ins and outs of photography, even if you have little to no experience with it, to help create profitable images that help you stand out from the crowd and sell. Here, you will learn how to master this medium even if you’re starting. Whether choosing between the humble iPhone or fancy DSLR or shooting photos indoors or outside--you’ll learn all you need to turn out professional-quality photos certain to impress viewers and even attract interested customers.
- Access 315 lectures & 17 hours of content 24/7
- Take amazing photos that impress your family & friends
- Know how the camera truly works so you can take better photos using manual settings
- Do photographs in different scenarios like family portraits, landscapes, aerial, products & more
- Compose images beautifully with basic photography rules
- Light your subjects with flash & natural lighting
- Edit your photos like a professional
- Make money with photograph
- Take better photos with your smartphones
Important Details
- Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
- Access options: desktop & mobile
- Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
- Certification of completion included
- Experience level required: beginner
- Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here
- Camera or smartphone

Nikon Cameras for Beginners

Food Photography

Long Exposure Photography

Street Photography for Beginners

Night Photography

Wedding Photography

Landscape Photo Editing Course

Landscape Photography

Travel Photography

Start Your Photography Business

Find Your Photography Style

Canon DSLR Photography
- Unredeemed licenses can be returned for store credit within 30 days of purchase. Once your license is redeemed, all sales are final.
Hasmik Ajamian
I love photography. Being fairly new in the field, I love the chance to learn what I love to do. Improving my skills means a lot to me.
Emily Johnston
I was really impressed at just how much is included with this! I bought it for my daughter who recently was gifted an impressive Nikon camera with all accessories by her father. They are both photography lovers. She's not exactly a novice, but this camera is new to her and I love that the bundle is for that specific camera as well as all the other information. Especially for the price! And lifetime access! What's not to like?
John Ceci
This class covered many topics and I thought it gave me a good explanation of things that a beginning photographer should know. I am glad I purchased the class.